A Pocketful of Peace and Tranquility
This summer I had the pleasure of designing another sustainable landscape grant garden in Santa Monica. This was a particularly fun project for many reasons. First of all my client was fun and really new what she wanted and finally I was able to design with a lot of succulents. The garden turned out great and I’ll be posting photos of it soon. Here on the left you can see a solution we came up with for her tiny side yard. We removed old concrete, installed decomposed granite and some older pavers she had, installed a cool soothing over-flow fountain and a wall of wooly pockets. All of those spider plants were already hanging out in the garden so we just used them to dress up the wall. I can now say that I’m sold on wooly pockets – they are so well made and easy to use. The plants love being in them because they provide such a nice environment. The last will get in the project requires various types of good and reward your story itself is what an Katharine’s oath come. 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