Are You Washing the Sidewalk?
I walk A LOT in my neighborhood and sadly I can say this scene here is all too familiar. Even with our water crisis (and yes, even though it’s been a wet winter, we still need to conserve) people waste soooo much water in their landscape. In this situation they have a spray head spraying right into a broadleaf tropical plant and bouncing all over, resulting in giant puddles on the sidewalk. This is an issue of poor irrigation design! Of course the water is bouncing all over the place. The real ridiculous thing is the solution is so simple and certainly not something out of reach for this high-end neighborhood. Drip tubing running along the edges of this border would give these plants exactly the water they need without wasting a drop. This would also alleviate the problem of spray heads getting tweeked and spraying in errant directions. Take a walk around your neighborhood and your yard. You’ll surely see places that don’t need to be soaked, sprayed and inundated the way they are. All it takes is a few minutes and an awareness to save a lot of water.