September 8, 2011
Kids in the Garden
Playground Paradise
When I was with my husband and daughter in France this summer we walked through the Jardin des Tuileries and came across this great playground. I’m used to seeing playgrounds atop black rubberized islands without much greenery in sight and structures so safely designed they wind up being uninspiring. This gorgeous getaway smartly uses its real estate by placing a habitat garden under the structure. I also love the natural feel of the knotted rope and vertical poles. How great for the kids to be running in and around a garden when headed to the slide or the very cool platform springs you see my daughter trying out
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Sylvie Humphreys
January 20, 2012 at 2:04 amBonjour Arleen
is this Mia jumping on these trempolins?? She has grown so much… How is she doing? Thinking of lot of Santa Monica gardens as I now live in a paradisiac world, on the Costa tropical in Southern Spain… moved here for a few months to escape the French winter. The plants and fruit are amazing, the abundance of colors is overwhelming. Sounds like you love what you do. Wishing you and your family a very happy new year!Take care.
Sylvie Humphreys (from First Pres)
September 4, 2012 at 9:03 amHi Sylvie! I’m so clueless, I missed your comment on my blog waaaay back in January. Yes that is Mia jumping on those springy things in Paris. I’m so happy to hear that you are enjoying Southern Spain. We hope to visit there next summer because I want my oldest to do a Spanish immersion program. Mia is in 3rd grade and doing very well. How is your son? Take care and thanks for reaching out.